Archives for November 2013

Moods – Yours And Your Teenage Daughter’s

One morning I woke up feeling moody because I was really looking forward to a long earned “sleep in.” Instead, I opened my eyes far earlier than planned to a loud workman’s voice. It was an immediate bummer. I told myself, let it go. Then my husband walked in our bedroom and asked for something that required me getting up, before I was really awake. You can imagine how happy I was inside my head. I share this with you because this was the simple but also toxic trigger that almost ruled my morning. I’m sure some of you can relate to this scenario. As our teenagers stretch themselves to be seen, heard and known, they too are easily swayed by … [Read more...]

How My Teen Athlete’s Back Pain Was Finally Relieved

I have always loved massage, and I knew that massage was good for relaxing the body and for stimulating the lymphatic system to help the body release toxins, but I wasn't prepared to discover the kinds of dramatic health benefits that my teenage daughter who is an athlete experienced in just two sessions of deep-tissue massage. The following story is my first-hand experience. Last Spring my just-turned 15 year-old daughter Julianne began to complain about pain in her lower back that came almost "out of the blue." She is a competitive soccer player and gets bumped and shoved all of the time, and she could not identify the pain as coming … [Read more...]

Why Do Teenagers Seem To Take It All Out On Their Parents?

By Karen Vincent I have heard so many parents say that they do not understand how their teenager can behave for teachers, with their friend's parents, with relatives but not with them. This often causes parents to question their parenting abilities and can create a lot of negative feelings between parent and teenager. What is likely happening if you are in this situation, is that you are receiving the biggest backhanded compliment from your teenager. It feels more just like a backhand period...but it many ways, it really is a compliment. What happens is that teenagers walk around confused, unsure and often feeling out of control much of … [Read more...]

Health Insurance, Obamacare and True Health

There's been a lot of talk about the Affordable Care Act (ACA, also known as "Obamacare") in the last several months. In this article I discuss a few points that are not at all addressed in the mainstream media, such as the complete failure of conventional ambien medicine when it comes to the treatment of many chronic health conditions. My goal is to frame the arguments in a whole new light and to address what I believe are the most important issues regarding healthcare and health insurance. First, some background: In the mid-eighties after college when I worked as a process engineer for an electronics company I had an opportunity to … [Read more...]

Ten Steps To Make Your Teen’s Dreams Come True

By Ken Rabow. Quick. Think of something you did today that stands out to you. Was it something funny? Something you are particularly proud of, or something embarrassing? When you were doing it, was the voice in your head a cheerleader, a soothing guide or a scolding judge? For most of us, it was the judge. By transforming a scolding judge into a soothing guide or even a cheerleader, you will begin making subtle sub-conscious daily decisions that will help you become your very best. Here are 10 steps to becoming fulfilled in your dreams. It works best and longest if you are willing to give in kind for what you receive. 1. In the … [Read more...]

Unleash the Power of Your Dreams

Besides paying attention to your intuition and inner nudges, you can pay attention to your dreams and by doing so, unleash the power of your dreams (which will go a long way toward helping you solve your and your family's problems and fulfill your higher purpose). This is because dreams are one of several ways the Divine uses to communicate with us, and if we pay attention we will gain the perspective and the assistance of the Divine. However, not many people remember their dreams and not long ago a reader of my articles emailed, asking me what to do so that he could remember his dreams. "Can you give me some insight into dreaming? I do … [Read more...]

Parenting College Students – How to Stay Connected

By Susan Orenstein When thinking of your child leaving home, you might be experiencing a roller-coaster of emotions, including excitement, pride, and joy as well as stress and sheer terror. As your almost grown child develops a stronger sense of identity and independence over the next four years, your parenting role will change, but will remain very important. A strong parent-child relationship is essential to your son or daughter's confidence and college success.Over the next few years, you will lose your position as your child's chauffeur, housekeeper, cook, executive secretary, tutor, supervisor, and probation officer. However, your … [Read more...]

Your Higher Purpose – To Help Create A World That Works For Everyone

For more than two decades now I've been driven to find and fulfill my higher life purpose.  By "higher" I mean not just having a job, advancing a career and being a good parent but fulfilling something deeper that tugged at me that I knew very little about, something that I felt I wasn't even connected to yet. How was I to know what that higher purpose was? That's like asking what's your soul's potential. You don't know until you really get into it. So in early 2001 I attended a 5-day Soul Recognition workshop to help me discover my higher life purpose.  One of the things I learned there was that I would write a "simple children's book" … [Read more...]

Boost Your Immune System Naturally To Fight Colds and Flu

By Dr. DelRae Messer It’s cold and flu season. I can’t help but notice the majority of grocery stores and pharmacies advertising flu shots, cold medications and new vaccinations for “prevention” of sickness. It’s ironic to me that every year at the same time, we are bombarded with advertising that tries to convince us that our innate immune system is not enough. This outside-in approach to prevention and treatment has given us a false sense of what health truly is. Health is not merely the absence of disease but each and every one of our cells functioning at an optimal level. It is not merely “feeling” well, but functioning with robust … [Read more...]