Archives for February 2014

A Problem with Today’s Parenting

Many parents try to be far better parents than their parents were, yet their children grow up feeling lost and empty. Discover why in this article. There was an interesting article in The Atlantic, entitled “How to Land Your Kid in Therapy: Why the obsession with our kids’ happiness may be dooming them to unhappy adulthoods. A therapist and mother reports.” The article is about the way many parents focus much of their energy on being there for their children, but their children end up feeling lost and empty. One of the issues I’ve written about extensively is that half of good parenting is being there for our children, and the … [Read more...]

The Worst Food For Aging

On Saturday afternoon I made the most luscious, gluten-free lemon bars that are actually easier to make than regular wheat-flour lemon bars. (I shared the lemon bars with a “foodie” neighbor, who praised them, and I’m sharing the recipe with you below.) Then on Sunday morning in my email inbox were two emails dealing with the subject of gluten. The first email was sent by Jesse Cannone of the Healthy Back Institute and the subject line read: “This is THE #1 WORST Food for Your Joints, Blood Sugar and Skin.” I was curious what this food was because I’m currently following a nutrition protocol that will improve my joints, connective tissue … [Read more...]

Going Gluten-Free – My Family’s Dramatic Response

By Marianne Kring Removing gluten from my diet has been one of the most beneficial changes of my entire life. My two children and I are gluten-sensitive. My 16-year old daughter and my 19-year old son have been off gluten for almost three years now. Gluten-sensitivity is something you are born with, and it usually runs in families.  I have been having trouble with my digestive system off and on throughout my life, but could not figure out the cause.  When I was in my 30's I figured out I was lactose-intolerant, which is pretty easy to diagnose.  But that didn't get rid of my symptoms, which included gas, bloating, intestinal cramps … [Read more...]