By Ken Rabow. Quick. Think of something you did today that stands out to you. Was it something funny? Something you are particularly proud of, or something embarrassing? When you were doing it, was the voice in your head a cheerleader, a soothing guide or a scolding judge? For most of us, it was the judge. By transforming a scolding judge into a soothing guide or even a cheerleader, you will begin making subtle sub-conscious daily decisions that will help you become your very best. Here are 10 steps to becoming fulfilled in your dreams. It works best and longest if you are willing to give in kind for what you receive. 1. In the … [Read more...]
The Next Level of Parenting
By Nicholeen Peck So many people ask me how to take their parenting to the next level, even with their out-of-control children. A man I really admire named Jeffrey Holland said, "... the only real control in life is self-control." True self-control is the next level of parenting. Here's why. You can control the settings on your computer, and control the television choices that come into your home. You can control all the things written down as your Family Standard and you can control what your family eats for dinner, but you can't control another person. No matter how hard you try and how much power you try to look like you have, the … [Read more...]
Teenage Girls + Media = Low Self-Esteem
Is it really true that teenage girls + media = low self-esteem? The issue of media's impact on teenagers has generated a lot of interest in the last decade. Despite contradictory findings, all researchers agree that teenage girls as a group are focused on their looks—especially on what they don't like about themselves! Marketing departments and ad agencies spend millions each year targeting teenage girls who spend much of their hard-earned dollars (and their parents' hard-earned dollars) on looking good. Although the message of "girl power" is prevalent in today's marketing messages, so is the irrefutable idea that "sexy" and "thin" are … [Read more...]